African VLBI Network Training Site


Invited Talk: Thursday 16 May - Dr Jamie Leech


16 May 2019 16:30 - 17:30

Title: Design of SKA Band 5

Author: Dr Jamie Leech 
              Senior Researcher
              Department of Physics
              University of Oxford

The Square Kilometre Array is a large international collaboration to design the world's largest radio telescope. At Oxford University we are developing the front-end receiver for the SKA Band 5 (4.6-15.3 GHz). In this talk I will outline the current status of the receiver design, describe the status of current prototypes and show calculations of the expected on-sky sensitivity and optical performance of the final instrument.


More about the author:

Jamie Leech next to telescope

Jamie Leech was born in Birmingham, U.K, in 1975. He obtained an M.Sci. in natural sciences (experimental and theoretical physics) from Cambridge University, U.K. in 1998 and a Ph.D. in astrophysics, also from Cambridge University, in 2002. He was a support astronomer at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope between 2002 and 2006, and is currently a Senior Researcher at the the Department of Physics, University of Oxford, U.K. Research interests include instrumentation for radio and submillimetre astronomy and experimental cosmology. He is currently working on C-BASS, a 5GHz all-sky radio survey of polarized foregrounds for future CMB (cosmic microwave background) B-mode experiments. He is also the technical lead for the design of the Band 5 Single Pixel Package for the Square Kilometre Array.