African VLBI Network Training Site

2018 April AVN Training School

Student Reports and Presentations

The Instruction Guide can be downloaded here

Student Project Allocation:

Student Name:                           Topic:                                                                                                          Date:          

 Francesse Bacião

 The WoW signal of SETI

 19 April 2018 (3)

 Valente Cuambe

 Milli-second Pulsars

 17 April 2018 (3)

 Orlando Feniasse

 Methanol masers associated with Star formation

 26 April 2018 (5) 

 Dinelsa Machaieie

 Cosmology and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR)

 19 April 2018 (2)

 Bercaldito Mapulende

 The discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)

 17 April 2018 (4)

 Claudio Paulo

 How are neutron stars formed?

 17 April 2018 (2)

 Ramiro Saide

 Masers and OH/IR stars

 26 April 2018 (6)

 Jordão Saide

 AGNs: What is in a name?

 25 April 2018 (1) 

 Penina Saul

 Classification of AGNs

 25 April 2018 (2)

 Bartolomeu Ubisse

 Radio quite AGN

 26 April 2018 (1)

 Cindy Andriamanafika

 The unified model of AGN and AGN spectral energy distribution

 25 April 2018 (3) 

 Julio Andrianjafy

 Radio Galaxies

 26 April 2018 (3)

 Rijatiana Barimalala

 Faint Radio Sources and their environment

 26 April 2018 (4)

 Deralaza Rafieferantsoa 

 Gravitational Waves and detectors

 19 April 2018 (1)

 Sambatriniaina Rajohnson

 The Crab Nebula

 26 April 2018 (7)

 Ny Anja Rakotoarisoa

 The 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen

 25 April 2018 (4) 

 Mendrika Rakotomanga

 The International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF)

 26 April 2018 (8) 

 Toky Ramiandriarinala

 The African VLBI Network

 17 April 2018 (1)  

 Tahina Princy Ranaivomanana

 Radio Loud AGN

 26 April 2018 (2)

 Sandra Razafimamonjy

 The international Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF)

 26 April 2018 (9)


















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