African VLBI Network Training Site


Invited Talk: Monday 20 March - Mrs Cristina García Miró

20 March 2017 16:30 - 17:30

Title: Radio Telescopes of the Future

Author: Mrs Cristina García Miró
              Radio Astronomy Engineer
              Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex

This talk describes the desired characteristics of the future radio telescopes based on the deficiencies of the current ones and outlines different future projects, from gigantic arrays of antennas as the Square Kilometre Array, to space antennas or low frequency receivers in the dark side of the moon.


More about the author:


Cristina García Miró received her Bachelor of Science in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid (1994) and her Master of Science in Astrophysics from the same university (1997) and the Granada University (2003). She started her scientific career at the Laboratory of Space Astrophysics and Fundamental Physics of the Spanish Aerospace Institute (INTA) supporting the Host Country Radio Astronomy activities at the NASA’s Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex. She also worked as a spacecraft controller and telescope operator of the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite (NASA/ESA). 

After a research stay at the Astrophysics Institute of Andalucía (IAA) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research she started working in the NASA’s Madrid Deep Space Complex as Radio Astronomy Engineer (2000-date). She is currently responsible for all the Radio Astronomy activities in the complex and collaborates in the astronomical educational projects PARTNeR (NASA) and CESAR (ESA/INTA/ISDEFE). She also participates in several research programs (INTA/ISDEFE) and has published scientific results in well-known research journals. 

She has received two NASA group achievement awards