UK Partner Lecturers: 2019 AVN DARA Training
Dr Alex Pollak (AP): <invited talk> I work in the field of experimental radio astronomy at the University of Oxford. My activities include the development, implementation and verification of analogue and digital signal processing systems. For these systems I also develop new hardware components, such as filters, amplifiers, analogue control circuits, etc. as well as program the necessary software environment. |
Dr Jamie Leech (JL): <invited talk> Jamie Leech obtained an M. Sci. in natural sciences (experimental and theoretical physics) from Cambridge University, U.K. in 1998 and a Ph.D. in astrophysics, also from Cambridge University, in 2002. He was a support astronomer at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope between 2002 and 2006, and is currently a Senior Researcher at the the Department of Physics, University of Oxford, U.K. |
Prof Mike Jones (MJ): <invited talk> Mike Jones is Professor of Experimental Cosmology at Oxford University. Mike studied Natural Sciences and Electrical Sciences at Cambridge University, and then did his PhD and postdoctoral work at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, working on the design and construction of radio telescopes for measuring the cosmic microwave background radiation. He moved to Oxford in 2005 and continues to work on designing novel radio telescopes for cosmology, including the Square Kilometre Array. |
Mr Richard Grummit (RG): Richard Grumitt is a DPhil student at the University of Oxford, and is a member of the C-Band All-Sky Survey (C-BASS) collaboration. He obtained his Master's degree in Physics from Oxford in 2016. His work is focused on the analysis of data from C-BASS in conjunction with other data sets to produce improved maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and on the development of statistical algorithms for the analysis of CMB data. |
Ms Zahra Gomes (ZG): Zahra Gomes is a DPhil candidate in the field of Astrophysics at the University of Oxford and a Rhodes scholar. Zahra worked at the University of West Indies (UWI) for a year as a research assistant and tutor before moving to the UK to begin her DPhil. Her research is on optimising the use of photometric redshifts when making cosmological measurements, with the aim of improving the results that will be obtained with current and future large photometric galaxy surveys and radio continuum surveys. |